Pet Shop
The Pet Shop was huge, easily the largest building in the district. As soon as you cracked open the entrance, the sensations of wildlife took over. The smell of hay filled your nostrils and the sounds of animals squeaking and chirping rushed to your ears. A multitude of enclosures took your sight, sheltering all kinds of creatures. Doorways led to more rooms with even more enclosures. Small creatures roamed free, playing with a friend or simply exploring. One cried out, hungry, and the shopkeeper ran over quickly with some fresh food already made up and ready. They fed the creature, petting it as it ate, cooing and calming it, before turning to you with a stuttered wave.
Oasis Gribble
Cost: 120
Flamefall Lulari
Cost: 120
Truffle Nimbew
Cost: 100
Calico Toonin
Cost: 100
Snowspell Yuedre
Cost: 100