Welcome To Painted Relics

Painted Relics is a closed species APRG set in the world of Kyvalore and its inhabitants! Currently there are two different species, Avilli, and Voxibells! The game is played by creating either visual or written art to participate and advance in levels, stats, and create a collaborative story with the community.

In Painted Relics, the story of the world will change based on the decisions and actions of the players in events and story quests. Turning in artwork redeems currency and sometimes special items through quests! It can be a little overwhelming at first, but we are here to help guide you through and answer any questions you may have.

Be sure to join our discord to chat with the community!

What is an ARPG?

          ARPG stands for Art Roleplaying Game!

It is a progression based game where you gain that progression by creating both visual and written works of art that tell a story within the world of the game using characters that exist only in this world.

Think of it like a collectible card game, in which you get to collect ones that are unique to you and adjusted to your personal tastes. If you decide you don't like that character, you can trade it, or work on earning things that let you change it. Once you own a character you are able to then take that character and tell it's story through creative art as the story of the game progresses.