
<a href=" Yuedre" class="display-item">Wintertide Yuedre</a>

Wintertide Yuedre

A Yuedre matching the constant weather of the shrouded mountains. These Yuedre blend in the most and tend to be the hardest to fine. It's not uncommon for owners to lose sight of their own due to this.

Origin: Durmur Foraging Bag, Yuedre Egg, Mystery EggStrange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Yuedre" class="display-item">Snowspell Yuedre</a>

Snowspell Yuedre

White as the purest glistening snow and often confused for oddly moving mounds of it. When a herd runs through the mountain pass, they look so much like an approaching avalanche that some adventurers flee for their lives without a second thought.

Origin: Durmur Foraging Bag, Yuedre Egg, Mystery EggStrange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Yuedre" class="display-item">Frosthold Yuedre</a>

Frosthold Yuedre

A yuedre with an uncommon darker hued coat. It is rumored that this yuedre remembers a time where the shrouded mountains saw a season other then winter.

Origin: Durmur Foraging Bag, Yuedre Egg, Mystery EggStrange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Yuedre" class="display-item">Dawnchill Yuedre</a>

Dawnchill Yuedre

With colors that match the sparkling reflections of color on the snow's surface on a rare bright day in the mountains, seeing one in your travels is believed to bring good luck.

Origin: Durmur Foraging Bag, Yuedre Egg, Mystery EggStrange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia


<a href=" Yuedre" class="display-item">Reindeer Yuedre</a>

Reindeer Yuedre

A strong richly colored yuedre only known to be found during the coldest winters in the shrouded peaks. They are commonly the leader of the wild yuedre herds.

Origin: Winter Pet Box (winter exclusive), Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Yuedre" class="display-item">Petaldance Yuedre</a>

Petaldance Yuedre

A beautifully colored yuedre found in area outside of durmur, but only in the spring! it's antlers made of beautiful flowering wood, it loves to shake it's head to make the petals fall dance around it's friends.

Origin: Spring Egg (spring exclusive), Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

146 results found.