Beginning of Spring - NPC Contest & New Seasonal Quests

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Wisparia

The last remnants of snow on most of Kyvalore has finally melted. Durmur is warm enough to not hate everything as soon as you step outside your cozy home, and beautiful blooms have begun sprouting from every corner. Many make the trip to Lynorre this time of year to see the beautiful floating islands of colorful flowers and the flittering of the florennecs and humbles seeking the sweetest necter. Spring is here!

If you hop on over to the questboard, you'll find all the new quests!

Help clean up after a volcanic eruption in Keldeep?
Maybe explore old ruins of Runaryl and find something worth uncovering?
Or take a midnight stroll anywhere in Kyvalore! I'm sure the stars in the clear spring nights are a sight to be held.

Check out the Questboard!

(Shoutout to the lovely Corvituus for all their lovely work with prompt writing!)

The valentine scavenger hunt as ended, and with it the valentine pets have left the shop! Dont fret though, they will return again next year and sometimes you might see them pop up in raffles, or rotating through the pet shop, so keep an eye out!



Ever wanted a chance for a design to stand out of the crowd a bit more? Have a stronger mark on the history of Kyvalore?

Well now's that chance!

This month we're hosting a contest to design an NPC for Painted Relics!, specifically a teacher of one of the bonded elements!

A few base requirements for the contest:

  • A visual depiction of your NPC design! The NPC can be either species!
  • A little bit of backstory and a name for your NPC! What magic do they excel at? Where does this NPC live? Do they have any pets?
  • Traits list! Each design must depect legal traits, you can use traits of any rarity, including up to 1 mythic trait.

Two winners will receive a MYO slot of their choosing & a mythic potion, a special badge to show you've won a contest! One winner will be selected via community vote after submissions close and the second will be hand selected by mods! We may choose to implement other entries in addition to the two primary winners, in which case we will reach out with a similar prize for your effort!

Got more than one idea? That's great! You are welcome to submit up to 2 different NPC ideas!

Entries will be accepted up until April 10th! Voting for the community's favorite design will commence shortly thereafter and end on April 20th!

All designs must be the original work of the entrant submitting the entry. The design may be altered by the development team before implementation on site.

By entering this contest, you acknowledge and agree to the terms that winning designs will become the property of the Painted Relics ARPG and have their ownership and distribution rights transferred to Painted Relics.

If your design doesn't win, you are welcome to keep that design/concept and use as you see fit!

Ready to submit your design?
You can submit your design through here!

Feel free to share wips and ideas with other members in the discord!


SEasonal Features

The raffle from last month as been rolled!
Congrats Lawlie ! I'll send you prize over shortly! ♥

Looking towards the next raffle? 

We've got a new little face up for raffle this month!
A sweet little pink lemonade avilli!

You can enter for this avilli from now till April 10th! Good luck!

Since it's a new season, we also have a new featured member, Lawlie !



Rhea, Fern, and Athalie have some new stock for you this month! Athalie looks like she might have her hands full with some troublesome gribbles. Mind giving her a hand?


Additional Notes


Thank you everyone for being patient with me as I slowly go through fixing bugs and various things on the site! I know there's still quite a few theme bugs as well as some minor other things, but we are slowly getting through them! Part of this month was supposed to be getting a lot of those things done, but unfortuately I've spent a large portion of this month not quite feeling my best as well as a good portion of staff taking hiatus's here and there to take care of things in their own life!
I've got big plans for Painted Relics, but I'm always realizing that I'm trying to bite a bit more then I can chew at a time and I'm taking the time and space to roll that back a little.

What does this mean for Painted Relics?

Not a lot of noticeable changes on the member side honestly! We'll still be running with cool things each month but the big change is there will be more predictability in how updates are ran! I'll be released a more cohesive schedule with next months update as I finalize things with my staff, but in doing so, this will let me and the PR team be able to plan better ahead and make sure each update gets delivered how we want it to be presented. One thing I can share is there will almost always be a full event each season to look forward to! A summer event, a winter event, an autumn event, and a spring event!

One thing that has been asked is what happened to Story Quests!

And I can say with full confidence, it's coming! I've got a big update for the next story quest as well as lots of structural fixes in how the story quests work! I'm excited to share them with you, but I'm holding off till they are totally ready as I feel in order to really have the weight I want this next chapter to hold, it's very important that I have all the little parts for it. I can say with full confidence that it is coming this year, and will be here before you know it.

That should cover all the bases of the big things. But as always, my DMs are open, as are the questions in the discord server if you ever have any questions or concerns. I'm excited for a lot of what PR has in store, it's just a matter of getting there, and getting there while taking the time to make the game the best ARPG I can make it.

Love you all lots and thank you for loving this world we are building as much as I do. ♥



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