Festival Of Spring - Spring Event!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by SeaCrest

UPDATE 29 APRIL, 2023: Additional hints have been added to the Spring Festival Egg Hunt! Good luck!


Festival of Spring

Petals and little manalights of brightly colored hues dance around you as soon as you enter the festival. Every cart and wagon decorated to the nines in ribbons and flowers. Every face among the crowd seems cheery, happy, and brimming with delight.
Truly like entering a place without a care in the world, leave your troubles behind and celebrate!

The spring festival is here!

I'm excited to announce that celebrations of spring in Kyvalore has begun! We've got plenty in store for you with the event, with a brand new currency, enchanted petals! Enchanted petals can be earned from Event Quests and Location Quests. (general quests do not count)

Check out the event questboard to see the new quests!
With these enchanted petals, Astor was able to use it in some of his potion making to make a potion that truly reflects the spring season!
The Blooming Elixir!

The blooming elixir can grant your Kyvalorian one of many new spring themed traits!


The blooming elixir can be bought from the Springtide Market during the event!
The market also has some other goodies that are limited to this special season, so be sure to take a peak so you dont miss out!


You'll find some familiar faces, among some new ones during the event.
They can be found in eggs, the event shop, or sometimes even out on quests!
Among them seem to be something skittering about! I think if you caught one you might be able to get a closer look!

If you're looking for a break from questing, maybe try a scavenger hunt?
The annual egg hunt is coming tonight!
Keep your eyes peeled for the update, you'll soon be able to get crackin!

And like previous events, by participating in the event and completing at least one event quest you can claim a special event badge (badge image pending cause wisp is a slacker)!

Speaking of badges, do you have some flowers burning a hole in your pocket from all your hunts out in the wilderness and have more mana potions then you know what to do with?
You can now submit a claim to turn in your collected flora into a little bouquet badge!

Keep in mind, turning in your flowers turns them into the badge, so once you submit them and get the badge, the flowers are removed from your inventory!

These beautiful bouquets are luckily not limited to the event so you can turn them in at any time!

Good luck in your questing everyone, and happy spring!




It was requested from several members for an extension to the contest, so here it is!

The due date for the contest is now April 30th! You have till the end of the month to get your designs in!

Below is a refresher on all of the details of the contest:

This month we're hosting a contest to design an NPC for Painted Relics!, specifically a teacher of one of the bonded elements!

A few base requirements for the contest:

  • A visual depiction of your NPC design! The NPC can be either species!
  • A little bit of backstory and a name for your NPC! What magic do they excel at? Where does this NPC live? Do they have any pets?
  • Traits list! Each design must depect legal traits, you can use traits of any rarity, including up to 1 mythic trait.

Two winners will receive a MYO slot of their choosing & a mythic potion, a special badge to show you've won a contest! One winner will be selected via community vote after submissions close and the second will be hand selected by mods! We may choose to implement other entries in addition to the two primary winners, in which case we will reach out with a similar prize for your effort!

Got more than one idea? That's great! You are welcome to submit up to 2 different NPC ideas!
All designs must be the original work of the entrant submitting the entry. The design may be altered by the development team before implementation on site.

By entering this contest, you acknowledge and agree to the terms that winning designs will become the property of the Painted Relics ARPG and have their ownership and distribution rights transferred to Painted Relics.

If your design doesn't win, you are welcome to keep that design/concept and use as you see fit!

Ready to submit your design?
You can submit your design through here!

Feel free to share wips and ideas with other members in the discord!


SEasonal Features

The raffle from last month as been rolled!
Congrats Lawlie ! I'll send you prize over shortly! ♥

Looking towards the next raffle? 

With the spring festivities in full swing, why not something to celebrate the occation?

This months raffle is a Blooming Elixir and a bundle of 100 Enchanted Petals!

You can enter for this prize from now till May 10th! Good luck!



Rhea, Fern, and Athalie have some new stock for you this month!


Additional Notes

We have a loose calendar!

Every year will be split into 4 sections, one for each season! 

Dec - Feb - Winter
Mar - May - Spring
June - Aug - Summer
Sept - Nov - Fall

The middle month of each season you'll be able to look forward to an event! Each event will carry over aspects of the previous years, but I will always try to add more goodies each year to look forward to ♥
January - Winter Event
April - Spring Festival
July - Summer Treasure Trove
October - Hallow Event

The other months for each season are saved for other updates! Sometimes they will be big maintenece updates, but usually will be features or big story updates!
These should be fairly predictable, but as always things can flex a bit depending on my level of preperations. A lot of things are a liiiiittle wibbly coming up because of big things for me.

I'm moving!

Coming soon, I will be making a massive move (over 1,700 miles away!). I am not sure how much this move will delay me in responses, but I'll do the best I can to still stay up on updates, approvals, and otherwise Painted Relics shenanigans! If time goes on and things feel like they are falling behind we may look at getting another mod on board to help cover me during this very busy time.

This is a big move we've been prepping and excited for, but it's still going to be big and scary! I'll do my best to keep yall updated if anything upcoming gets delayed, but hopefully everything should be smooth sailing! We're hoping this move opens up new horizons for my partner and I, as well as gives me the space and freedom to continue to create, and therefore keep building this wonderful world of PR.

As always, thanks for sticking with me! I'm so excited for all the things that are just around the corner!




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