
<a href=" Flower" class="display-item">Orange Flower</a>

Orange Flower

Category: Flora

Artist: Wisparia

Resale Value: 3 Shards

This orange flower is so bright it almost hurts your eyes.

Origin: Runaryl Foraging Bag, Botanist's Shop, Mysterious Seed, Magical Beginnings Quest (Arcane), Foraging

<a href=" Mushroom" class="display-item">Orange Mushroom</a>

Orange Mushroom

Category: Flora

Artist: Wisparia

Resale Value: 3 Shards

A bright orange mushroom that reflects the rays of the sun with ease.

Origin: Fayewood Foraging Bag, Runaryl Foraging Bag, Strange Seed, Foraging


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Orange</a>


Category: Food

Artist: Sadbloom

The smell of the orange is so strong and sweet it makes your mouth water.

Origin: Captain's Summer Shop

Uses: crafting

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